
Message from Top Management

The Eisai Group’s Corporate Concept is “to give first thought to patients and the people in the daily living domain, and to increase the benefits that health care provides to them”. Under this Concept (also known as human health care (hhc) Concept), we aim to effectively achieve social good in the form of relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities.


This hhc Concept is also stipulated in our Articles of Incorporation and shared with our shareholders and other stakeholders. The Articles of Incorporation state that “the Company’s mission is to increase the satisfaction of patients and the people in the daily living domain. The Company believes that revenues and earnings will be generated by first fulfilling this mission. Therefore, the Company places importance on this sequence.” This sequence of mission and results tells and motivates us why we gather and work at Eisai, and guides our path forward. This hhc Concept is deeply ingrained in the more than 10,000 global employees of the Eisai Group, and our motivation to respond to the true needs of patients is the source of the Group’s innovation.


Under the medium-term business plan “EWAY Future & Beyond”, which began in April 2021, Eisai is expanding its main role in healthcare, that is, we should contribute not only to people in the medical domain but also to people in the daily living domain. We aim to evolve into an hhceco (hhc Concept + eco-system) company that empowers them "to realize their fullest life" by creating solutions based on science and data in the fields of neurology and oncology, where unmet medical needs are extremely high and where Eisai has the greatest strength, through an ecosystem developed in collaboration with other industries and groups.


The Eisai Universal Platform (EUP) is at the core of hhceco’s realization. Eisai will create solutions based on new innovative drugs and data generated through collaboration with venture companies and academia, and deliver them to the People in the daily living and medical domains through Eisai’s own network and collaboration with other industries.


One of the social good that Eisai is focusing on is the elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), which is a target (3.3) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of reducing healthcare disparities. NTDs are endemic in developing countries and other poor populations, exposing as many as 1.7 billion people worldwide to the risk of infection. Since 2010, Eisai has been working with global partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to eliminate lymphatic filariasis, one of the NTDs, by providing free medicines, conducting disease awareness, and promoting the development of new drugs against other NTDs and malaria.


Under the hhc Concept, Eisai is committed to effectively achieve social good based on solid relationships of trust with various partners, aiming for sustainable enhancement of corporate value. We ask our stakeholders for their continued understanding and support.

Haruo Naito 

Representative Corporate Officer and CEO
